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Convalescent Plasma for COVID-19 Patients: International Perspectives and Approaches

Duration: 90 minutes

Aug 26, 2020

Antibodies from COVID-19 recovered patients can potentially help sick patients fighting the virus. The use of convalescent plasma as a promising treatment for COVID-19 is increasing.

The program includes:

COVID-19: A Review of Immunology of the Virus and an Understanding of the Disease

Raymond P. Goodrich, PhD (USA)

Dr. Goodrich shares an overview of the immunology of the Coronavirus and reviews what is important for us to understand in the context of treatment with convalescent plasma for patients with COVID-19.


Donor Eligibility: What to Consider Across Low- Middle and High Income Countries

Silvano Wendel, MD, PhD (Brazil)

As a contributing author of two papers published by the ISBT Convalescent Plasma Working Group and the Working Party on Global Blood Safety,  Dr. Wendel will review points to consider in the preparation and transfusion of COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma.   He notes difference as well as common challenges in adopting the use of COVID convalsecent plasma  in low-middle and high  income countries.


Identifying Donors in the Mississippi Valley, Iowa:  A Model of Collaboration

Louis M. Katz , MD (USA)

Dr. Katz describes the collaborative model created by the Blood Center, working with the largest hospital system in the region to identify and contact prospective donors to meet the need for COVID-19 convalescent plasma as the infection spread.

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About Our Speakers:
About Our Speakers:

Raymond P. Goodrich, PhD

Executive Director, Infectious Disease Research Center

Colorado State University

As the Executive Director of the Infectious Disease Research Center (IDRC) at Colorado State University. Dr. Goodrich has responsibility for oversight of the Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing and Academic Resource Center (BioMARC), the Regional Biocontainment Labs (RBL) and the Research Innovation Center (RIC).   

As the Executive Director of the Infectious Disease Research Center (IDRC) at Colorado State University. Dr. Goodrich has responsibility for oversight of the Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing and Academic Resource Center (BioMARC), the Regional Biocontainment Labs (RBL) and the Research Innovation Center (RIC).   

About Our Speakers:

Silvano Wendel MD, PhD.

Medical Director, Blood Bank

Hospital Sírio Libanês, Brazil

Dr. Wendel is currently the Medical Director of the Sírio Libanês Hospital Blood Bank in São Paulo Brazil. He is a past president of ISBT and as a current member of two ISBT working parties, is  a contributing author of two guidance documents regarding COVID-19 convalescent plasma.  

Dr. Wendel is currently the Medical Director of the Sírio Libanês Hospital Blood Bank in São Paulo Brazil. He is a past president of ISBT and as a current member of two ISBT working parties, is  a contributing author of two guidance documents regarding COVID-19 convalescent plasma.  

About Our Speakers:

Louis Katz, MD

Chief Medical Officer

Mississippi Valley, Regional Valley Blood Center, Iowa

Dr. Katz is the Chief Medical of the Officer  of the Mississippi  Regional Blood Center in Iowa, USA.    He is renowned for his work in protecting the blood supply from infectious diseases including HIV and has received many humanitarian and achievement awards for his work in this field.  He is the  chair of the AABB Transfusion Transmitted Diseases committee  and is an associate editor of the just released edition of the Technical Manual, the AABB’s widely referenced flagship publication. 

Dr. Katz is the Chief Medical of the Officer  of the Mississippi  Regional Blood Center in Iowa, USA.    He is renowned for his work in protecting the blood supply from infectious diseases including HIV and has received many humanitarian and achievement awards for his work in this field.  He is the  chair of the AABB Transfusion Transmitted Diseases committee  and is an associate editor of the just released edition of the Technical Manual, the AABB’s widely referenced flagship publication.