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HbA1c Testing and Importance of Result Standardization

Nov 14, 2022

Hemoglobin (Hb) A1c testing is key to preventing diabetes and managing chronic and acute diabetes-related complications.

Learn about the importance of HbA1c result standardization and how it is achieved by the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP) to enable accurate HbA1c results worldwide.

This series of educational videos support the importance of HbA1c testing standardization to better treat and diagnosis diabetes.  The videos feature Randie R. Little, PhD, NGSP Network Laboratory Coordinator Director, Diabetes Diagnostic Laboratory at the University of Missouri.

The Importance of HbA1c Standardization

In this video, you’ll learn about the history of how hemoglobin (Hb) A1c testing became the gold standard for diabetes management starting with the diabetes control and complications trial (DCCT) and later the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS).

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Afterward, learn more about our breakthrough innovation in whole blood testing with VITROS Chemistry Products A1c Slides.

NGSP Standardization & Certification

In this video, Dr. Little reviews the processes of the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP) and the requirements for NGSP certification.

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Afterward, learn more about our breakthrough innovation in whole blood testing with VITROS Chemistry Products A1c Slides

The Importance of the NGSP in Standardizing and Improving HbA1c Results

In this video, learn about how the network of NGSP labs have enabled the standardization of HbA1c results, which are monitored biannually by the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) network. Dr. Little covers the three basic processes of manufacturer calibration, NGSP certification and monitoring proficiency testing. 

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Afterward, learn more about our breakthrough innovation in whole blood testing with VITROS Chemistry Products A1c Slides.

Hemoglobin Variants

In this video of the series, Dr. Little reviews the most common hemoglobin (Hb) variants and the methods that have Hb variant interference. It is recommended to use an HbA1c method that does not have interference with Hb variants.

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Afterward, learn more about our breakthrough innovation in whole blood testing with VITROS® Chemistry Products A1c Slides

About Our Speaker:
About Our Speaker:

Randie R. Little

Randie R. Little, PhD, is a research professor in the departments of Pathology & Anatomical Sciences and Child Health at the University of Missouri and is director of the Diabetes Diagnostic Laboratory. Dr. Little is the coordinator of the NGSP network, a member of the NGSP Steering Committee and also coordinates the NIDDK C-peptide standardization activities.

Randie R. Little, PhD, is a research professor in the departments of Pathology & Anatomical Sciences and Child Health at the University of Missouri and is director of the Diabetes Diagnostic Laboratory. Dr. Little is the coordinator of the NGSP network, a member of the NGSP Steering Committee and also coordinates the NIDDK C-peptide standardization activities.