QuidelOrtho China Privacy Notice QuidelOrtho中国隐私声明

Last Updated: 1, November, 2023

This Privacy Notice (“Privacy Notice”) explains how Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Trading (China) Co., Ltd., and its affiliates (“QuidelOrtho”, “we”, “us”, “our”) handle personal information that we collect online, through our websites and applications (apps) and through our offline interactions with you (collectively, the “QuidelOrtho Services”). This Privacy Notice does not apply to third-party websites to which QuidelOrtho may link. Your use of QuidelOrtho Services which link to this Privacy Notice is subject to this Privacy Notice and the Website Terms of Use.

Please read this Privacy Notice before using the QuidelOrtho Services or submitting personal information to us. By using the QuidelOrtho Services, you accept and expressly agree to our practices surrounding the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information in the manner described in this Privacy Notice. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Notice, you cannot, and we do not authorize you to, access, browse, or use the QuidelOrtho Services.

On occasion, QuidelOrtho may offer apps, special programs, activities, events or promotions (“Programs”) that have unique or additional specific terms, privacy notices and/or consent forms that explain how any information you provide will be processed in connection with the Programs. You should review the applicable terms before interacting or participating in the Programs. If you have any questions or concerns about how we collect and process your personal information, you can contact us using the contact details set out in the “How to Contact Us” section of this Notice.

1. What is personal information and sensitive personal information


Personal information refers to all kinds of information related to identified or identifiable natural persons that is/are electronically or otherwise recorded, such as name, contact number, email address etc., excluding anonymized information.

Sensitive personal information refers to the personal information that is likely to result in damage to the personal dignity of any natural person or damage to his or her personal or property safety once disclosed or illegally used, including biometric identification, religious belief, specific identity, medical health, financial account and whereabouts, as well as the personal information of minors under the age of 14.

2. How QuidelOrtho collects and processes your personal information


We primarily collect and process the following types of personal information; where bolded and underlined personal information may be sensitive personal information:

  • When you sign up for our industry conferences, site visits and other activities through WeChat official account(s), we will collect your name, gender, company, department, position, telephone number and email address for your registration; if you need us to book train tickets, air tickets and other transport tickets for you to attend the activities, we also need to collect your ID card and other document information to purchase tickets. Your ID card and other identification information, as well as information on train tickets and air tickets booked for you, may be sensitive personal information.
  • When you actually attend one of our events, we collect your name and phone number to verify your identity and complete check-in. We may use the above information to ask for your feedback after the event to improve our events.
  • When you contact us through the contact information provided on our website(s) and WeChat official account(s), we collect your name, email address, affiliated organization, province, city, phone number, country and preferred language in order to record and respond to your comments and suggestions.
  • 当您通过我们的网站和微信公众号上提供的联系方式与我们联系时,我们会收集您的姓名、邮箱、所属机构、所在省市、电话号码、国家、首选语言,以记录和答复您的意见和建议。
  • When you visit Ortho Plus on our website, we will collect your name, phone number, email address, client number, organization/IDN, city, zip code, role (optional), fax number (optional), mobile phone number (optional), country or region to create an account for you and achieve other basic functions.
    当您访问我们网站的Ortho Plus时,我们将收集您的姓名、电话号码、电子邮箱、客户编码,组织/IDN,城市、邮编、角色(可选)、传真号码(可选)、手机号码(可选)、所在国家或地区,以为您创建账户及实现其他基础功能。
  • When you visit our QuidelOrtho Transfusion WeChat official account, we collect your name, company, department, phone number, position and email address for the purpose of registering for a transfusion class.
  • When you visit our QuidelOrtho POCT WeChat official account, we will collect your name, company, department, phone number, position, and address information in order to facilitate your application for premium membership, complete meeting check-in and contact us. We will collect your name, phone number, email, position and the name and address of your company to provide service to you.
  • When you visit our WeChat public account QuidelOrtho After-sales Service, we will collect your OpenID, name and contact number for the purpose of reporting a repair or seeking other after-sales service; we will collect the name, phone number, email address, location, and company of the staff of QuidelOrtho and our distributors for the purpose of account management; when you log in, we will collect your contact number, CRMID, and OpenID to authenticate your identity; and if you need to upload a picture when requesting a service call, we will also apply for permission to open the camera or photo album to process your request for uploading a picture. When you report repairs or seek other after-sales service through our WeChat mini-program QuidelOrtho After-sales Service, we will collect your mobile phone number and OpenID to verify your identity and register an account; if you provide us with a nickname, city, hospital, we will also process this information to better serve you; if you need to upload pictures when you provide comments, we will also apply for permission to open the camera or photo album to process your request to upload pictures.
  • When you register or log in to our mini-program Distributor Academy, we collect your product line, name, department, position (for internal users only), phone number, email address, distributor name and level (for distributors only), as well as your Open ID to enable basic functions such as account creation. When you use our mini-program Distributor Academy and upload voice recordings, videos, or images by utilizing features such as "Contact Us" and "Survey Feedback", we may need to request your permission to open microphone or photo album. If you decline to grant these permissions, you will be unable to use the functions of uploading voice, video or image, but it will not affect other functions that do not require these permissions. Additionally, depending on the version of WeChat you are using, we may also request storage permissions to ensure the functionality of the aforementioned features. You can alternatively avoid granting us storage permissions when using these features by downloading an updated version of WeChat.
    当您注册或登录我们的经销商学苑小程序时,我们会收集您的产品线、姓名、部门、职位(仅针对内部用户)、手机号码、电子邮箱、经销商名称及级别(仅针对经销商)、以及Open ID,用于实现账户创建等基础功能。当您通过我们的经销商学苑小程序,在“联系我们”、“调研反馈”等功能中上传语音、视频或图片时,我们可能需要调用您的麦克风权限或相册权限。如果您拒绝调用相关权限,将无法使用语音、视频或图片上传功能,但不影响其他无需该权限的功能。特别地,基于您所使用的微信版本的不同,我们还可能获取您的存储权限,以确保上述功能的使用。您也可以通过下载更新的微信版本,从而在使用上述功能时避免向我们提供您的存储权限。
  • When you enter our workplace for an on-site visit, we may collect your name, mobile phone number and ID number through paper forms or electronic forms for the purpose of confirming your identity for office security management.
  • When you apply for a job position, we collect your name, contact number, email address, location, and resume information. When you apply for a job position through our WeChat official account QuidelOrtho Recruitment, we will collect your avatar, nickname, name, contact details, email address, old and new passwords to create an account for recruitment application purposes. If you need to provide us with a location or upload an image, we will apply to open location access or camera access to respond to your request. In addition, we collect information you voluntarily provide to us about your position, education, location, nationality, gender, date of birth, project experience, skill labels, language skills, certificates, awards received, personal links, and resume information. For purpose of background check, we will process your name, contact information, ID number, gender, nationality, ID card address, ID card electronic copy (voluntary, for educational background check), educational information, employment information, Hukou registration card, Social security number (voluntary), marital status, Hukou address (voluntary), current address (voluntary), compliance record, emergency contact person (name, relationship, contact information), department and position applying for, reasons and time for leaving, previous average monthly salary, form of employment, promotion and subordinates, internal violations and labour arbitrations, existence of non-compete agreements and restrictive training agreements, and recommendations from the former employer. As a general rule, QuidelOrtho does not actively collect sensitive personal information from you unless you have given us your separate consent; therefore, please consider carefully before you provide us with any of your sensitive personal information and hereby confirm that it is appropriate to do so. When your application for a job position is successful and you become an official employee, your personal information will be processed in accordance with the QuidelOrtho China Employee Privacy Notice.

  • When you visit our website(s) and WeChat official account(s), we will use Cookies, Beacons, Pixel Tags technology to automatically collect your IP address, geographic location, your website browsing and clicking history and other online activity records. We collect this information to maintain the security of our website(s) and WeChat official account(s) and to analyse and improve the content therein. For more information on how we use Cookies, Beacons, and Pixel Tags, please see the section below entitled “How QuidelOrtho Uses Cookies, Beacons, and Pixel Tags”.
    当您访问我们的网站、微信公众号时,我们将使用Cookies、Beacons(信标)、Pixel Tags(像素标签)技术自动收集您的IP地址、地理位置、您的网站浏览及点击记录等在线活动记录。我们收集这些信息是为了维护我们的网站和微信公众号的安全以及分析和改善其中的内容。关于我们如何使用Cookies、Beacons、Pixel Tags技术,请参见下方“QuidelOrtho如何使用Cookies、Beacons和 Pixel Tags部分”。

We may also use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • Provide you with the services you request;
  • Discover security incidents, prevent malicious deception, fraud or illegal activities, and hold those responsible accountable;
  • Verify your identity or confirm your identity;
  • Marketing and publicising new products, services and events;
  • To anticipate and provide you with information about products, services or events that may be of interest to you;
  • Help QuidelOrtho better design platforms and products and services, promote research activities and facilitate other business functions;
  • Manage and protect our computer network, services and users;
  • Audit, regulatory compliance and legal review;
  • To fulfill our statutory obligations, to resolve disputes that may arise between us and you, etc.

When we collect and process your sensitive personal information, we will strictly adhere to the principles of sufficient necessity, minimum scope and minimum impact, and will take strict measures to protect your sensitive personal information as far as the existing technical conditions allow.

We will process your personal information primarily on the basis of your consent. However, in the following cases, your consent is not required for us to process your personal information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations:

  • where it is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract to which you are a party, or for the implementation of human resources management in accordance with the labor rules and regulations formulated in accordance with the law and the collective contract concluded in accordance with the law;
  • where it is necessary for the performance of statutory duties or statutory obligations;
  • where it is necessary for the response to a public health emergency or for the protection of the life, health and property safety of a natural person in an emergency;
  • where such acts as news reporting and supervision by public opinions are carried out for the public interest, and the handling of personal information is within a reasonable scope;
  • where it is necessary to process the personal information disclosed by the individual concerned or other personal information that has been legally disclosed within a reasonable scope in accordance with the provisions of Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China; and
  • other circumstances prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.

3. How QuidelOrtho Uses Cookies, Beacons, and Pixel Tags

QuidelOrtho如何使用Cookies、Beacons和 Pixel Tags

Cookies are small text files (snippets of information) that are sent to and stored directly on the device you are using. Cookies allow us to collect information such as browser type, time spent on the site, pages visited and language preferences. The information obtained from Cookies is used for security purposes, to facilitate navigation, to display information more efficiently, and to personalise your experience when visiting websites. You can control how the website uses Cookies by configuring your browser’s privacy settings.

  • Absolutely necessary Cookies: these Cookies are essential for the execution of transactions or requests initiated by you. For example, to fulfill an order or request.
  • Functional Cookies: These Cookies allow a website to remember choices you have made in order to provide features for your benefit. For example, Functionality Cookies allow a website to remember your specific settings, such as your selected country/region options and permanent login status, and to display previous shipments, tracked packages and other customised features.
  • Analytical Cookies: These Cookies allow us to collect data relating to your use of the website, including what you click on as you navigate through the website, for the purpose of improving the performance and design of the website. These Cookies may be provided by our third-party analytical tool providers but are only used for purposes related to our website.
    分析型 Cookies这些Cookies允许我们收集与您使用网站有关的数据,包括您在浏览网站时点击的内容,以用于改进网站的性能和设计。这些Cookies可能是由我们的第三方分析工具提供商提供,但只用于与我们的网站相关的目的。
  • Targeted Cookies: These Cookies remember information about your use of the website so that we can provide you with promotional and other targeted information on our website.

Beacons and Pixel Tags are snippets of programming code included in web pages, emails, and advertisements that notify us when a web page, email, or advertisement is viewed or clicked. QuidelOrtho uses these technologies to improve and customise our website to meet your interests, research and analysis needs, and for anti-fraud monitoring and detection purposes. You can turn off the scripting feature in your browser settings; however, disabling the scripting feature will result in the website not functioning properly.
Beacons(信标)和Pixel Tags(像素标签)是网页、电子邮件和广告中包含的编程代码片段,会在网页、电子邮件或广告被浏览或点击时通知我们。QuidelOrtho使用这些技术来改进和定制我们的网站以满足您的兴趣,研究和分析需求,以及实现反欺诈监测和检测的目的。您可以在浏览器设置中关闭脚本功能,但是,禁用脚本功能会导致网站无法正常运行。

4. How QuidelOrtho shares, transfers and discloses your personal information


For the purposes listed in this Privacy Notice, QuidelOrtho may engage vendors, contractors, and consultants (“Service Providers”) to store, process, and maintain your personal information on behalf of QuidelOrtho and to assist us in providing business services. In such cases, we will expressly agree with the Service Providers, through written agreements and contracts, to limit the use of your personal information to that which is necessary to fulfill the purposes set out in this Notice and to carry out the tasks that the Service Providers perform for us, and that the Service Providers shall not share or disclose personal information that they may have received about you, and shall erase your personal information once the purposes of the agreement or contract have been fulfilled. Each service provider must process and protect all personal information received from us or collected on our behalf in the manner and for the purposes to which you have consented or for which we have instructed them.

In some cases, we may need to share your personal information with third parties. We will share your personal information with third parties only if you are fully informed and have given us your separate consent to do so (except in cases where your consent is not required under applicable laws and regulations). When we share your personal information, we will follow the principle of necessity and provide them with only the minimum scope of your personal information necessary to fulfil the purpose. Please understand that if you do not consent to the sharing of your personal information with third parties, or withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide you with the relevant products or services (or may not be able to do so after you have withdrawn your consent). Please be aware that your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect personal information processing activities that were previously based on your consent.

When QuidelOrtho changes or is involved in a merger, division, dissolution or declaration of bankruptcy or other process that involves the transfer of personal information, we will inform you of the name and contact details of the new company or organisation that will hold your personal information, and request that it continue to process your personal information in accordance with the contents disclosed in this Notice. If the new company or organisation holding your personal information needs to use your personal information for purposes not stated in this Notice, the new company or organisation will obtain your consent in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

QuidelOrtho may also disclose your personal information as required by law to competent law enforcement body, regulatory or government agency, court or other third party in mainland China where we believe the disclosure is necessary or appropriate to comply with a regulatory requirement, judicial proceeding, court order, government request or legal process served on us, or to protect the safety, rights, or property of our customers, the public, QuidelOrtho or others, and to exercise, establish or defend QuidelOrtho’s or others’ legal rights.

QuidelOrtho may also disclose aggregate or de-identified data that is not personally identifiable to third parties for any purpose. 
QuidelOrtho 还可能出于任何目的向第三方披露无法识别个人身份的汇总数据或去标识化数据。

In principle, we will not publicly disclose your personal information collected. If public disclosure is necessary, we will inform you of the purpose of this public disclosure, the type of personal information disclosed and the sensitive personal information that may be involved and obtain your separate consent (except where your consent is not required in accordance with applicable laws and regulations).

5. How QuidelOrtho stores your personal information


It is QuidelOrtho’s practice to take steps to secure our QuidelOrtho Services; however, the confidentiality of information transmitted over the Internet cannot be guaranteed. We urge you to exercise caution when transmitting personal information over the Internet, especially personal information related to your health. QuidelOrtho cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not gain access to your information; therefore, when submitting personal information to QuidelOrtho Services, you must weigh both the benefits and the risks. 

6. How QuidelOrtho stores and transfers your information across borders


Your personal information collected and generated in our operations in China is mainly stored in China.

However, please understand that QuidelOrtho is a global company headquartered in the United States of America and may transfer your personal information to our affiliates located outside of China for the purpose of business operations, company management, etc. 

7. How long QuidelOrtho will store your personal information


We will retain your personal information for as long as needed or permitted in light of the purpose(s) for which it was obtained and as outlined in this Privacy Notice. The criteria used to determine our retention periods include: (i) the length of time we have an ongoing relationship with you and provide the QuidelOrtho Services to you; (ii) whether there is a legal obligation to which we are subject; or (iii) whether retention is advisable in light of our legal position (such as in regard to the enforcement of the QuidelOrtho Website Terms of Use or other agreements, applicable statutes of limitations, litigation or regulatory investigations).
我们将根据获取您的个人信息的目的以及本隐私声明中概述的需要或允许的期限保留您的个人信息。用于确定我们保留期限的标准包括:(i) 我们与您保持持续关系并向您提供 服务的时间长短; (ii) 我们是否承担法定义务;或 (iii) 根据QuidelOrtho 我们的法律立场(例如在执行 QuidelOrtho 网站使用条款或其他协议、适用的诉讼时效、诉讼或监管调查方​​面),保留是否是明智的。

8. Your rights as a personal information subject


To the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, you have the following rights:

To the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, you have the following rights:

You have the right to know the type of personal information we hold about you and how we process your personal information. You also have the right to consent, restrict or refuse the processing of your personal information collected on the basis of consent. When your personal information is collected and processed on other legal bases, we will process it under the principle of necessity, minimum scope and minimum impact.

Right to access and right to copy

You have the right to obtain a copy of the personal information we hold about you and details of how we use it. Your personal information will usually be provided to you in electronic form.

Right to rectification and right to supplement

You have the right to request that inaccurate personal information about you be updated or corrected. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, you have the right to complete incomplete personal information, including by providing a supplementary declaration.

Right to delete and right to cancel 

You have the right to ask us to delete your personal information or cancel your personal account, for example:

  • If the purposes for which we process your personal information have been fulfilled, cannot be fulfilled or are no longer necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was processed;
  • If the purposes for which we process your personal information have been fulfilled, cannot be fulfilled or are no longer necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was processed;
  • If you withdraw the consent granted to us to process your personal information (except when collecting and processing your personal information on other legal bases);
  • If we process your personal information in violation of laws or administrative regulations, or in violation of this Notice or other lawful agreements with you.

Please be aware that if your request for deletion of your personal information conflicts with our retention period as required by law or regulation, or if deletion is not possible to our best technology available, we will cease processing your personal information other than by storage (unless we are required by law or regulation to carry out a particular type of processing of your personal information), and we will do our best to take steps to protect your personal information.

If there are other circumstances in which you believe you need to have your personal information deleted, please contact us in the manner published in this Notice. Please understand that if the information you request to be deleted is necessary for us or to provide you with specific products or services we entrusted or engaged, your request for deletion may result in your inability to use the relevant product or service properly.

Right to withdraw the consent

You have the right to withdraw the consent you granted us to process your personal information at any time. Please understand that any activity requires the processing of certain information and that your withdrawal of consent may result in you being unable to use certain products or services properly. Please be aware that your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the personal information processing activities previously carried out on the basis of your consent.

Right to explanation

You have the right to request an explanation of the rules governing the processing of your personal information.

Right to unsubscribe from marketing messages

You have the right to unsubscribe at any time from marketing messages that we may send you from time to time. If you do not wish to receive emails from us, you can click on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the emails you receive, or if you do not wish to receive text messages from us, you can follow the instructions in the text message and select the “unsubscribe” function. If you wish to unsubscribe from other forms of marketing (e.g. by post or telephone), you can contact us using the contact details set out in this Notice under “How to contact us”.

Response to your requests above

You can contact us through the contact information of “How to Contact Us” in this Notice to exercise your rights mentioned above at any time (including: right to be informed, right to decide, right to access, right to copy, right to rectification, right to supplement, right to delete, right to cancel, right to withdraw the consent, right to unsubscribe from marketing messages, and right to explanation). We will respond to your request to exercise your rights to personal information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, provided that we ask you to provide the necessary information to verify your identity. In principle, we do not charge a fee for reasonable requests, but we may charge a fee for repeated requests that exceed reasonable limits. Under normal circumstances, we will accept and process your request within 15 working days.

In accordance with laws and regulations, we may not be able to respond to your request for exercising your rights under the following circumstances:

  • If your request is contrary to the fulfilment of our obligations under laws and regulations;
  • If the information requested is directly related to national security, national defense security;
  • If the information requested is directly related to public security, public health and safety, and major public interests;
  • If the information requested is directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgement;
  • If we have sufficient evidence of subjective malice or abuse of your rights;
  • For the purpose of safeguarding the vital legal rights and interests of you or other individuals, such as life and property, but it is difficult to obtain your own authorised consent;
  • Responding to your request to exercise your rights will result in serious harm to your legitimate interests or those of other individuals or organisations;
  • If the requested information involves trade secrets.

9. How QuidelOrtho collects and processes minor’s personal information


QuidelOrtho’s products or services are not designed to be accessed or used by children under the age of 14. If you are under the age of 14, please do not access or use our products or services. QuidelOrtho does not knowingly collect or use personal information from children. If we discover that we have inadvertently collected personal information from a child under the age of 14, we will delete that information from our database. If a child under the age of 14 may have disclosed personal information to us, the child’s parent or guardian may initiate the deletion process by contacting us using the contact information in this Notice under “How to Contact Us” and we will delete or otherwise process as required by law and the parent or guardian after verification.

10. Links to third-party applications


This Notice does not address the collection, use and disclosure of personal information and other practices by any third party, including any third party that operates any of the websites, web pages, HTML 5 pages and other applications available through, or containing links to, QuidelOrtho’s website(s) and WeChat official account(s). The availability of any such website, web page, HTML5 page, etc. application or the inclusion of a link to such website, web page, HTML5 page, etc. application within the QuidelOrtho website(s), WeChat official account(s), etc. does not imply an endorsement of such website, web page, HTML5 page, etc. application by us or our business units. We recommend that you review the Notice of all third-party applications that you may access.

Our website(s) and WeChat official account(s) also provide visitors with links to a number of websites that can provide useful information. This Notice does not apply to these websites. We recommend that you communicate directly with third-party websites about their privacy statements.

11. Update of this Notice


QuidelOrtho will update this Notice from time to time to comply with legal, regulatory and supervisory requirements and to reflect changes in our personal information processing activities. When we make updates to this Notice, we will notify you in an appropriate manner (including but not limited to, by means of webpage or mini-program pop-up notices, prominently displayed notices, etc.) based on the significance of these changes. We will obtain your consent to any material changes to this Notice as required by applicable laws and regulations. Your continued use of our products or services under the foregoing circumstances constitutes your consent to the revised Notice.

You can find out when this Notice was last updated by clicking on “Last Updated” at the beginning of this Notice.

12. How to contact us


If you would like to exercise your rights, or if you have any questions about this Notice or how we use your personal information, please contact us as follows:如果您想行使您的权利,或者您对本隐私声明或我们如何使用您的个人信息有任何疑问,请通过以下方式联系我们:

  • Email Address: privacy @quidelortho.com
    privacy @quidelortho.com
  • Sending to the following address: 10/F, New Bund Shun Tak Centre, No. 18, Lane 666, West Hai Yang Road, Pudong, Shanghai, China.
    致函以下地址: 上海市浦东新区海阳西路666弄18号前滩信德中心10楼。