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Quidel Triage® PlGF Test
Triage MeterPro®
Quidel Triage® PlGF Test


The Quidel Triage®  PlGF Test is used in conjunction with other clinical information as an aid in the diagnosis of preterm pre-eclampsia and as an aid in the prognosis of delivery, in women presenting with signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia after 20 weeks and prior to 35 weeks of gestation.


Pre-eclampsia is a complex clinical syndrome that can progress rapidly and unpredictably. Frequent and costly clinical assessments are often required to differentiate those women who will deliver preterm from the majority of women who will deliver at term. Current methods for assessing risk include measurement of maternal blood pressure, identifying the presence of protein in the urine, and laboratory blood testing to detect maternal organ damage. These methods are poor in determining a woman’s level of risk for spontaneous or iatrogenic delivery. Limitations with today’s tests make it difficult to discriminate women with severe disease from those with mild or no disease, leading to over-management and unnecessary costs.

Placental Growth Factor (PlGF) is a highly specific marker of failed placentation and its complications, including pre-eclampsia. In women with hypertension, PlGF is predictive of the development of preterm pre-eclampsia, with the lowest levels found in women who progress to an adverse pregnancy outcome.

Please see chart below for ordering information. 


Levine R, et al. (2004) Circulating Angiogenic Factors and the Risk of Preeclampsia. New England Journal of Medicine; 350:7.

Chappell LC et al. (2012) Plasma placental growth factor (PlGF) measurement in women presenting with suspected pre-eclampsia: the Pelican study.

Pregnancy Hypertension: An Intl Journal of Women’s Cardiovascular Health 2; 175-239.

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Triage MeterPro®
Quidel Triage® PlGF Test
Quidel Triage® PlGF Test


The Quidel Triage®  PlGF Test is used in conjunction with other clinical information as an aid in the diagnosis of preterm pre-eclampsia and as an aid in the prognosis of delivery, in women presenting with signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia after 20 weeks and prior to 35 weeks of gestation.


Pre-eclampsia is a complex clinical syndrome that can progress rapidly and unpredictably. Frequent and costly clinical assessments are often required to differentiate those women who will deliver preterm from the majority of women who will deliver at term. Current methods for assessing risk include measurement of maternal blood pressure, identifying the presence of protein in the urine, and laboratory blood testing to detect maternal organ damage. These methods are poor in determining a woman’s level of risk for spontaneous or iatrogenic delivery. Limitations with today’s tests make it difficult to discriminate women with severe disease from those with mild or no disease, leading to over-management and unnecessary costs.

Placental Growth Factor (PlGF) is a highly specific marker of failed placentation and its complications, including pre-eclampsia. In women with hypertension, PlGF is predictive of the development of preterm pre-eclampsia, with the lowest levels found in women who progress to an adverse pregnancy outcome.

Please see chart below for ordering information. 


Levine R, et al. (2004) Circulating Angiogenic Factors and the Risk of Preeclampsia. New England Journal of Medicine; 350:7.

Chappell LC et al. (2012) Plasma placental growth factor (PlGF) measurement in women presenting with suspected pre-eclampsia: the Pelican study.

Pregnancy Hypertension: An Intl Journal of Women’s Cardiovascular Health 2; 175-239.

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Ordering information
Catalog number  Description
98800EU Quidel Triage PlGF Test
98813EU Quidel Triage PlGF Control 1
98814EU Quidel Triage PlGF Control 2


Features & benefits

Quickly, economically and effectively identifies placental dysfunction as a root cause of preterm pre-eclampsia.

Aids in risk stratifying women in their first presentation with suspected preterm pre-eclampsia for iatrogenic delivery within 14 days.

Helps appropriately adjust clinical surveillance and, where indicated, plan for preterm delivery.

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Technical Documentation


Product specifications
Sample type EDTA anticoagulated plasma specimens 
Time to results  Yields results in about 15 minutes