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Strategies for Reducing Analytical Interferences in the Clinical Chemistry Laboratory

Feb 25, 2021

Duration: 60 minutes

Erroneous results can occur unexpectedly with any specimen. The possibility of interference should always be considered when results do not do not reflect the clinical picture. 


Awareness by laboratorians of the types of interferences most likely to be encountered, as well as those on the rise, e.g., interferences from new cancer treatments using monoclonal antibodies and the increased use of supplements containing biotin, together with mitigating strategies, can increase the likelihood of such errors being detected in time to prevent unwarranted or inappropriate clinical treatment. 


Dr. David Grenache provides a comprehensive review of common types of interferences, shares relevant case studies, and discusses key strategies that laboratorians can adopt to minimize the risk of interferences affecting clinical care.

About Our Speaker:
About Our Speaker:

Dr. David Grenache, PhD, FAACC, DABCC

Chief Scientific Officer

Albuquerque, New Mexico