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ELVIS® HSV Test System

Our proprietary ELVIS HSV cells are engineered for rapid overnight detection of infectious herpes simplex virus without a loss of sensitivity. The ELVIS test system provides a 17-hour turnaround time for reporting both positive and negative results in cell culture — 7 to 10 days faster than conventional methods.

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Product information

Product name Description  Catalog number
ELVIS HSV ID Test System 100 tests SK-ELVIS-100
ELVIS HSV ID Test System 200 tests SK-ELVIS-200
ELVIS HSV ID Test System   500 tests SK-ELVIS-500 
ELVIS HSV ID Test System 1000 tests SK-ELVIS-1000
ELVIS HSV ID and D³ Typing Test System 60 tests SKT-ELVIS-60.V2
ELVIS HSV ID and D³ Typing Test System 300 tests SKT-ELVIS-300.V2
ELVIS HSV Shell Vial No coverslip 55-0101
ELVIS HSV Cell Shell Vial No coverslip 55-0102
ELVIS HSV Cells  Multi-Well Plate 24 well/6 fill 55-2406
ELVIS  HSV Cells Multi-Well Plate 24 well/12 fill 55-2412
ELVIS HSV Cells Multi-Well Plate 24 well/18 fill 55-2418
ELVIS HSV Cells Multi-Well Plate 24 well/24 fill 55-2424
ELVIS Replacement Medium 100 mL 10-220100
ELVIS Replacement Medium 500 mL 10-220500
HSV-1 Virus Control Stock Single use, 400 µL, shipped frozen 20-4810020
HSV-2 Virus Control Stock Single use, 400 µL, shipped frozen 20-4820020
Virus Training HSV Panel 1 mL fill volume, 24 shipped frozen 02-480024.v2

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