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The Impact of Acute Kidney Injury

Nov 8, 2018

Up to 50% of patients in the ICU will develop acute kidney injury (AKI)—now, there's a way to test for AKI risk

Duration: 4 Minutes

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of the most significant and potentially deadly diseases affecting patients in the ICU. Now hear from industry experts about how the first commercially available test is allowing for early AKI risk assessment in these ICU patients. The NephroCheck®Test allows clinicians to identify patients at risk to develop moderate to severe AKI and to implement strategies which can help prevent kidney damage or death.

  • Understand the seriousness of AKI
  • Identify the historic challenges associated with assessing AKI risk
  • Learn how NephroCheck test results can help clinicians identify, stratify and mitigate a patient’s risk of AKI

Presenters in this video:

  • Jeffery Vender, MD
    Anesthesiologist & Critical Care Physician, North Shore Hospital Health System, Evanston, IL
  • Harold M. Szerlip, MD
    Nephrologist & Director, Renal Division, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX
  • Peter McCullough, MD
    Cardiologist, Vice Chief of Medicine, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX

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