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Press Release

Risk of Major Infections and Acute Injuries in COVID-19 Patients

Jul 13, 2020

In a very short period, health care systems and society have been severely challenged by yet another emerging virus. Preventing transmission and slowing the rate of new infections are the primary goals; however, the concern of COVID-19 causing critical illness and death is at the core of public anxiety.


Laboratory tests are more crucial than ever in clinical decision making for these critically ill patients that have either conjoint morbidities or have developed other acute conditions based on the COVID-19 infection.


It has been observed that the clinical course of adult inpatients may include sepsis, acute cardiac injury or acute kidney injury among others (1). The following graphic, from Elsevier Ltd., shows the moment of the COVID-19 infection evolution in which these complications appear for survivor and non-survivor patients (1): 

Risk of major infections from COVID-19 chart

Biochemical monitoring of COVID-19 patients through in vitro diagnostic testing is critical for assessing disease severity and progression as well as monitoring therapeutic intervention.


  1. Laboratory abnormalities in patients with COVID-19:
  2. Biochemical Monitoring of COVID-19 Patients: 

Ortho provides hospital labs with instruments, assays and services that enable the quickest and most accurate delivery of test results to meet patient needs and expectations when treating life threatening situations.


Learn more about how we support the laboratories to deliver the right result the first time:


  • The importance of assay Interferences in getting the right result the first time during times of crisis
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  1. Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study. Zhou et al, Published online March 9, 2020 Accessed on 25th April 2020
  2. Accessed on 12th  May 2020 

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