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VITROS® Systems

VITROS® 5600 Integrated System

The VITROS 5600 integrated system is a lab workhorse designed to run clinical chemistry and immunoassay testing with a throughput of more than 900 tests per hour.*

*Dependent on test mix and sample workflow.

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Clinical chemistry and immunoassay menus unite to power your lab

The VITROS® 5600 system combines our comprehensive clinical chemistry and immunoassay menus of more than 160 assays – all on a single integrated platform – delivering high quality, productivity and value to your lab. 

The VITROS 5600 is designed to help you efficiently consolidate critical testing to deliver accurate and timely results to the physicians and patients who depend on you. 

You also can rely on the VITROS 5600 system to be up and running when you need it, with its industry-leading 98% analyzer uptime.*

*Uptime claim based on publicly available data for select competitive systems. Data on file.


Streamline your testing with the VITROS® Testing Menu

As labs face ever-increasing demands, we continue to invest in new technology to expand our testing solutions and increase menu offerings. 

Our broad and aggressively growing testing menu can support 90% of typical lab menu needs and 99% of testing volume.*

*PR-03875 VITROS XT Systems

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VITROS® XT 7600 Integrated System

Our flagship VITROS XT 7600 system provides high throughput of up to 1,320 test per hour with XT MicroSlides.*                                                              

*The numbers shown are maximum theoretical throughput. Actual throughput will vary by test mix and sample workflow.

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VITROS® 5600 Assay Menu