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Sofia® S. pneumoniae FIA
Sofia® Analyzers
Sofia® S. pneumoniae FIA


For use with Sofia 2 and Sofia

The Sofia S. pneumoniae Fluorescent Immunoassay (FIA) uses advanced immunofluorescence-based lateral-flow technology to detect  Streptococcus pneumonia cell wall polysaccharide (CWPS)antigen in human urine of patients with pneumonia and in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) specimens of patients with meningitis. CWPS antigens, if present, bind to the detection particles. When the sample migrates up the Test Strip to the Test Line, the antigen-conjugate complex is bound to the capture antibody, forming a fluorescent line. If antigens are not present, the fluorescent microparticles will not be trapped by the capture antibodies nor detected by Sofia.

Sofia will scan the test strip and measure the immunofluorescent signal by processing the results using method-specific algorithms and display the test results (Positive, Negative, or Invalid) on its display screen. The test results can also be automatically printed on an integrated printer if this option is selected.

An internal control line helps ensure that the rapid  S. pneumoniae  test has been executed properly, that the kit reagents are performing appropriately, and that adequate flow has occurred through the test strip. Another fluorescent line should form at the Control position on the test strip each time a specimen or control is tested. If no control line is detected, the test will be reported as invalid by Sofia. The enhanced sensitivity of the Sofia S. pneumoniae FIA gives you accuracy and confidence in rapid testing.

The Sofia S. pneumoniae FIA is one in a growing menu of the fluorescent antibody tests available for use on Sofia. This easy-to-use qualitative fluorescent test can be used as an aid in the rapid diagnosis of  S. Pneumoniae  infection.


Catalog number: 20293  
Kit size/case size: 25/12

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Sofia® Analyzers
Sofia® S. pneumoniae FIA
Sofia® S. pneumoniae FIA


For use with Sofia 2 and Sofia

The Sofia S. pneumoniae Fluorescent Immunoassay (FIA) uses advanced immunofluorescence-based lateral-flow technology to detect  Streptococcus pneumonia cell wall polysaccharide (CWPS)antigen in human urine of patients with pneumonia and in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) specimens of patients with meningitis. CWPS antigens, if present, bind to the detection particles. When the sample migrates up the Test Strip to the Test Line, the antigen-conjugate complex is bound to the capture antibody, forming a fluorescent line. If antigens are not present, the fluorescent microparticles will not be trapped by the capture antibodies nor detected by Sofia.

Sofia will scan the test strip and measure the immunofluorescent signal by processing the results using method-specific algorithms and display the test results (Positive, Negative, or Invalid) on its display screen. The test results can also be automatically printed on an integrated printer if this option is selected.

An internal control line helps ensure that the rapid  S. pneumoniae  test has been executed properly, that the kit reagents are performing appropriately, and that adequate flow has occurred through the test strip. Another fluorescent line should form at the Control position on the test strip each time a specimen or control is tested. If no control line is detected, the test will be reported as invalid by Sofia. The enhanced sensitivity of the Sofia S. pneumoniae FIA gives you accuracy and confidence in rapid testing.

The Sofia S. pneumoniae FIA is one in a growing menu of the fluorescent antibody tests available for use on Sofia. This easy-to-use qualitative fluorescent test can be used as an aid in the rapid diagnosis of  S. Pneumoniae  infection.


Catalog number: 20293  
Kit size/case size: 25/12

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Features & benefits

Fast time to results for truly rapid S. pneumoniae testing.

Self-contained test cassette, which is clean, and easy to use and dispose of.

Fixed-volume pipette for testing which collects and dispenses the correct amount of sample needed.

Find what you need

To access safety data sheets, package inserts, quick reference guides and all other technical and promotional materials, visit our technical documents library.


Technical documentation

Product specifications
Sample type Urine, Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
Time to results 10 minutes
Storage Room temperature (15 °C to 35 °C / 59 °F to 86 °F)

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