MicroVue™ Mouse Osteocalcin ELISA

The MicroVue Mouse Osteocalcin ELISA Kit is for the measurement of osteocalcin in mouse serum, plasma or cell culture media

Product Specifications

Citations 3

Serum/Plasma 20 μL

LLOQ 0.4 ng/mL
Assay Time 3.5 hours
Cross Reactivity


Ordering Information

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Catalog Number 60-1305
Catalog Number (CE)  
Size 96 wells/test
Price (USD) $640.00
Price (EURO) 570,00 €

Contact us

US Phone+1 (858) 552 1100
EU Phone+353 (91) 412 474
US Emailcontact-us@quidelortho.com
EU Emailcontact-emea@quidelortho.com



The MicroVue Mouse Osteocalcin ELISA Kit is for the measurement of osteocalcin in mouse serum, plasma or cell culture media

Size 96 wells/test

96 well plate with 12 eight-well strips in a resealable foil pouch

Specimen Serum/Plasma 20 μL
Limit of Detection (LOD) 0.4 ng/mL
Lower Limit of Quantitation (LLOQ) 0.4 ng/mL
Upper Limit of Quantitation (ULOQ) N/A
Intra Assay 2.3 - 3.7%
Inter Assay 4.1 - 6.1%
Standards 5
Controls 2
Sample Values


Assay Time 3.5 hours
Cross Reactivity



Store unopened kit between 2°C to 8°C. Refer to manual for storing individual components


Mouse osteocalcin, a 46 amino acid peptide, is the major noncollagen protein found in mouse bone. It contains three gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (GLA) residues at positions 13, 17, and 20 and is, therefore, also known as bone gla-protein or BGP. The exact biological function of osteocalcin is not known but the three gamma-carboxyglutamic acid residues confer on it a very strong ability to bind to hydroxyapatite and calcium.